„Die immersiven Klangwelten bieten ein Höchstmaß an Detailreichtum und fangen die Ironie und die erzählerische Tiefe der Tracks optimal ein. Zudem hat Sebastian erneut die Regie für das Musikvideo übernommen, das seine gesellschaftskritische Botschaft in einem visuell packenden Storytelling verdichtet. Seine Kreativität reicht also weit über das Musikalische hinaus und unterstreicht seine Vielseitigkeit als Künstler.“
Ich freue mich wahnsinnig über diesen Artikel im Amplified Mag! Und zwar, weil der Autor die Nuancen meines Konzept bis ins tiefe Details verstanden hat. Danke, Amplified Mag!
Der vollständige Artikel: https://amplified-mag.de/reviews/alex-sebastian-wizard-of-oz-eine-packende-progressive-rock-provokation
English Version
„The immersive soundscapes offer an exceptional level of detail, perfectly capturing the irony and narrative depth of the tracks. Additionally, Sebastian once again took on the role of director for the music video, which distills his social critique into visually compelling storytelling. His creativity extends far beyond music, highlighting his versatility as an artist.“
I’m absolutely thrilled about this article in Amplified Mag! Especially because the author truly grasped the nuances of my concept down to the finest details. Thank you, Amplified Mag!
Full article translated by ChatGPT
Alex Sebastian aims to push the boundaries of progressive rock with his latest EP, *Wizard of Oz*—and he does so with a refreshing blend of irony and social critique. The EP feels like an artistic experiment exploring the struggle for „perceived truths,“ drawing parallels to classic games of telephone and veiled messages in the digital age. Sebastian weaves the story of a modern-day „Wizard of Oz,“ who seeks control over his version of the truth while hiding behind the anonymity of social media. Despite its complexity, the musical landscape he creates is surprisingly accessible, offering a breath of fresh air to the genre without compromising rhythmic sophistication.
For this project, the Munich-based musician has collaborated with some of the most celebrated figures in the prog-rock scene, including Tony Levin (King Crimson), Anika Nilles, Bruce Soord (The Pineapple Thief), and Marco Minnemann. Each of these artists brings their own „perceived truth“ to the table, giving every track a distinct character while maintaining the cohesive sound of the EP. The various versions of *Wizard of Oz* are like thematic variations, with recurring musical motifs that reframe themselves to tell new stories.
The tracks oscillate between intricate time signatures and harmonious sequences, aptly described by Bruce Soord in an interview with Sebastian as having a „flowing 5/8 rhythm.“ This rhythmic sophistication lends the EP a lightness rarely found in progressive rock. The opening track, *Rumor Has It*, sets the tone with deep basslines and rhythmic percussion, creating a dark yet driving atmosphere. The *Wizard of Oz* variations expand upon this sonic palette, from the epic, almost cinematic *unfounded opinion in cinemascope* to the energetic *grab a Soord and fight* and the nervously pulsating *going tachycardic*, where Minnemann showcases his drumming virtuosity.
A standout moment is the collaboration with multi-instrumentalist Bruce Soord, who also handled the Dolby Atmos mix for the EP. The immersive soundscapes offer unparalleled detail, perfectly capturing the irony and narrative depth of the tracks. Additionally, Sebastian took on directorial duties for the accompanying music video, which condenses the EP’s social commentary into visually captivating storytelling. His creativity extends far beyond music, underscoring his versatility as an artist.
*Wizard of Oz* will be released on November 15, 2024, and will be available on all major streaming platforms. For fans of progressive rock, there’s more good news: Alex Sebastian is planning a 2025 tour featuring live performances with some of the EP’s guest musicians—a not-to-be-missed experience.